Saturday 22 June 2024

Hanging with Gayle & Mick 2024

 It's along while since I have sat down to write about our adventures.  It is not for lack of adventures, it's mostly that without pictures some of the magic is missing.  Traveling light means no camera bag and extra lenses.  But I have mastered the art of extended travel with just a carryon bag.  We recently returned from an eleven (11) day cruise to Alaska.  I promised a friend a list of what I took that fit in a 22 inch bag.  But first a little about cruising on a smallish ship, about 600 passengers. 

The cruise was lovely and just exactly that, "cruisin". With no more than 6 or 8 hours in port, and don't forget that can get eaten up with time being transported to the actual place you are visiting, doesn't leave much time for exploration. Fortunately most of the communities are pretty small. To be honest I was somewhat underwhelmed. Being a California girl gold rush towns are a dime a dozen and Alaskan frontier towns look just like California frontier towns. Makes sense, same sort of people, same natural resources, same expectations, just forty years later.

There are glaciers but we didn't get close enough to really appreciate them. This is Hubbard and it's something like 6 miles long. There are so many ships trying to enter the bay it appears there is a rota system and the time allotted to each ship as well as their route in and out of the bay is strictly controlled. No dawdling.

There are snow capped mountains and the mountains may come down to the sea, but they pretty much max out a 5000 feet. Not exactly the Sierras or even the Cascade volcanos. It's all lovely to look at and certainly worth the ride, just not awe inspiring.

Admittedly we booked with an upmarket cruise line, Oceania. Our original trip with Road Scholar was cancelled when the cruise line went out of business. The service was great, plenty of dining options with rational sized portions. Common spaces were plentiful, including a library that looked like something from a baronial mansion. There was a sizable lounge at the front that provided panoramic views of where you were going and they offered a proper British tea there each afternoon. We discovered if you hang around after tea 4-5 p.m. there are two for one cocktails from 5-6 and dinner at 7. Not too shabby.

Credit, where credit it due . . . there was always something to provide entertainment especially on the days at sea. There were lectures and a game room. Occasionally Bingo or Bridge lessons. Apparently there were even some craft activities which I missed. There was the requisite spa and gym, yoga classes and evening entertainment. Cruising is a very different experience. You unpack once, everything you need is right there. No real surprises, it's dependable and safe. There are more adventurous options out there but maybe I'm beyond the adventurous stage of life. Suffice it to say it was enjoyable, safe and comfortable if not exciting and I'm not adverse to trying it again.

Alaska 11 day Packed Wardrobe:

  • Underwear for 11 days - panties, socks and bras
  • 2 camisoles, in case it gets cold (I never wore them.)
  • 1 raspberry cardigan
  • 1 grape pullover sweater that can be worn over a shirt or mock turtle
  • 1 black pullover sweater that can be worn over a shirt or mock turtle
  • 1 black mock turtle t-shirt
  • 1 white mock turtle t-shirt
  • 1 white long sleeved button up shirt
  • 1 white short sleeved t-shirt in case it is warm
  • 3 dressy-ish tops with ¾ length sleeves - green & black print, Floral print, black & beige print
  • 1 pr black cords
  • 1 pr black “dress pants”
  • 1 pr black travel pants
  • Casual black shoes
  • Grey sneakers
  • Night gown
  • Tide pen in case I end up wearing my dinner
  • Cosmetics - Clinique does travel size most everything so Clinique it is while on vacation
  • Makeup - KISS find a basic look and don’t change it up. 1 of everything you NEED, no multiples. Eyeliner, eye shadow, eyebrow powder, mascara, bronzer & lipstick!!
  • Shampoo/conditioner. None (I use theirs) Optional: travel size most anything. 2 weeks of not your regular stuff isn’t the end of the world
  • Spray leave in conditioner travel size
  • Grey bandana for bad hair days
  • Baseball cap
  • Winter hat, gloves & scarf ( never used them)
  • Jewelry: 4 pair earrings, 1 necklace, 2 bracelets
  • Swimming suit & coverup - coverup doubles as a dress
  • Toothbrush, tooth paste, dental floss, nail clippers, Chapstick, eyedrops

What I wore on the plane
  • Jeans
  • Burgundy “peasant “ top
  • Pink blazer - turns even jeans into something dressy
  • Purple cotton scarf with tassels that is practically a sarong, keeps you warm and dresses up an outfit
  • Brown waterproof suede almost loafers
  • Black winter raincoat
I don't expand my bag on the outbound flight which guarantees it goes in the overhead.  I allow myself the luxury of expanding it on the way back or checking it if necessary.  My "modus operandi" has always been, if you REALLY need it you can buy it.  Using that as a guide in the last 15 or so years I was only once was forced to buy something, a waterproof jacket.